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Showing posts from October, 2015

What Teaching Preschool Is Teaching Me

Today was a very normal day in preschool: lots of kids, typical arguments, laughter, lunches, and learning.  But today I came away from work just a little bit wiser.  Actually, this is happening a lot more frequently -- I find myself working and then thinking about the bigger picture of life.  I often ponder why in the world God wants me at this preschool right now.  I dream about different directions my life could go.  I look at job boards, but nothing stands out.  It's an odd spot to be in, but today was a bit of an ice-breaker. It started on the playground, where most good preschool stories start.  (If you're my Facebook friend, you've likely read the myriad of hilarious things kids say, most of which happen on the playground.)  One of the girls approached me and asked me in moderately broken english to put her hair back into "tails."  She put her pointer fingers on her head almost like horns or antlers and I understood: pigtails!  ...