This time of year brings up lots of memories and emotions for seemingly all of humanity. Parties, family gatherings, and favorite faith traditions dominate our calendars, and with them, an unusual amount of socializing... It's in these moments we attempt to catch up with people we don't see as often as we would like or family that doesn't live nearby. And it's these moments where the inevitable annual questions are asked: "So, how's work?" "Are you still living in the same place?" "How is your family doing?" And if you're single: "Are you... seeing anyone? (insert elbow jab here)" This year, my goal was to get both feet in the door and both shoes off before Grandma hit me with that last one. Goal: achieved. My second goal was to not roll my eyes when she finally asked. Goal: failed. Maybe next year. Truthfully, in the last 6 months, I've come to really appreciate the gift of my singleness. I...